
Ndablama Open pit mining commenced in 2021 and was completed in 2023. At Ndablama Gold mine, Leopard Rock open-pit Operations was started in 2024.
All the ore is transported to the plant at New Liberty via a 45km haul road.
Mining of the down-dip extension of the mineralization will continue by underground operation, using a drift-and-fill mining methods due to the moderate dips.
Ndablama UG Mine (Mar-2023 to Present)
- Drift & Fill mining method is applying at Ndablama UG
- Total Lateral Development has reached about 9.1 km
- The deepest underground portal has reached the final vertical depth (200 m)
Project to May 2024 production:
- Total mined: 0.80 M tonnes
- Total ore: 0.35 M tonnes
- Average ore grade mined: 2.75 g/t gold
- Total waste: 0.45 M tonnes
Ndablama Open Pit Mine (Jan-2021 to Mar-2023)
- Pit Width Length is: 570 m
- Length of Pit: 770 m
- Open pit has reached the final depth (220m)
Project-to-date production:
- Total mined: 84.5 M tonnes
- Total ore: 13.5 M tonnes
- Average ore grade mined: 1.10 g/t gold
- Total waste: 71 M tonnes
Leopard Rock Open Pit Mine (Sep-2024 to Present)
- Project was starting September-2024
- Leopard rock pit is 930 m long and 450 m wide at the EOY-2024 (Project on going)
- Open pit has reached the 70 m depth at the EOY-2024 (Project On-going)
Project to date production metrics:
- Total Mined: 4.16 M tonnes
- Total Ore: 0.11 M tonnes
- Total Waste: 4.05 M tonnes
Key Facts
Mine Type
Metals Mined
Deposit Type
Orogenic Gold
Production Type
Surface Mining at OP / Drift & Fill Mining at UG
Process Type
CIL (Average Recovery %94.39)
Remaining Life Of Mine
Based on proven and probable reserves, the remaining life of the Ndablama underground mid of 2027. For Leopard Rock OP, mid of 2026
2024 Production Physicals
420kt @2.17 g/t, 30KOz