
The Matambo Open Pit Project will employ conventional open pit mining techniques. The project encompasses three distinct pits, namely Matambo 1, 2, and 3, from which a total of 4 million metric tonnes of fresh ore and 21 million cubic meters of waste rock will be extracted. The anticipated output includes approximately 172,000 ounces of gold with an average grade of 1.34 grams per tonne. Transport of the ore to NLGM for processing at the CIL plant is part of the operational strategy. Furthermore, an additional 3.8 million tonnes of ore, boasting an average grade of 0.48 grams per tonne, will be stockpiled for subsequent processing at the Heap Leach project. The projected lifes of the mine stands at 3 years, as determined by current resource models and reserve studies.

Matambo Open Pit Mine (November 2023 - On Going)

  • Conventional Open pit mining method
  • Production Permitting process almost completed
  • 3 separate open pits – the production has not been started
  • Saprolite removal completed at Pit 2 and Pit 3, will be commenced at Pit 1
  • Total mined saprolite: 1.3M m3

Key Facts

Mine Type


Metals Mined


Production Type

Surface Mining at OP

Process Type

CIL (Average Recovery 93% - 95%)

Remaining Life Of Mine

Based on proven and probable reserves, the life of the Matambo end of 2026