Avesoro’s governance systems provide mechanisms for the effective management of our operations, personnel, risks, and relationships. We have developed and issued a series of policies and developed systems to meet high standards. We believe in open communication with all of our stakeholders. The Company ensures that the governance policies are implemented and their effective application is monitored.
The Board provides senior management with independent, objective advice while promoting a culture of integrity. The Board works with senior management to set long-term goals, develop strategy, and monitor the Company’s progress toward achieving its goals.
The Company operates in accordance with the best internationally accepted standards and policies covering various areas of business. We believe that teamwork is at the heart of these systems. Our sub-contractors are also required to comply with the high standard and deploy the best work practices.
International Standards & Principles
- International Council on Mining and Metals
- World Gold Council - Responsible Gold Mining Principles
- Towards Sustainable Mining
- International Cyanide Management Code
- IFS Performance Standard
- Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management
- International Labour Standards on Occupational Safety and Health
- Mine Health and Environment, Health, and Safety Act (29/1996) and Regulations
- Occupational Diseases in Mines and Works Act (78/1973) and Regulations