Our History
We are known for our great technical ability in exploration, deep-underground block caving, and metallurgical processing talents as Avesoro We are committed to operating and developing mines in accordance with sound environmental, social, and governance practices; cultivating a diverse workforce; and building and maintaining strong relationships with our communities and governments. Everyone can work safely and healthily every day in an environment where everyone actively contributes to this outcome.
Avesoro is engaged in the exploration and development of gold deposits in highly prospective and under-explored areas of Liberia and Burkina Faso. Our main assets are the New Liberty Gold Mine in Liberia, and the Youga and Balogo Gold Mines in Burkina Faso. The Company also owns 100% exclusive rights to the Weaju, Gondoja, Ndablama and Leopard Rock projects in Liberia, the Ouaré, Songo and Zerbogo Projects in Burkina Faso.
Exploration licence acquired for NW Liberia.
Bea Mountain Mining Corporation (BMMC) registered as a Liberian company.
25-year renewable Class A Mining License awarded for BMMC.
Pre-stripping started at New Liberty
MNG Gold established and owned by MNG Group.
Construction of New Liberty Plant commenced with Aureus Mining.
Acqusition of the Kokoyah Project in central Liberia from Amlib United Minerals Inc.
First gold poured at New Liberty.
Class A Mining license granted for Kokoya
Open pit mining commenced at Kokoya
Commercial production declared for New Liberty.
Kokoyah plant commissioned, first gold pour and 22.4koz gold poured
MNG acquired Aureus Mining and renamed it to Avesoro Resources
New Liberty underground mining commenced.
Construction of 45 km haul road from New Liberty to Ndablama completed.
Underground mining permit obtained for Kokoyah and UG mining commenced.
Open pit mining at Ndablama commenced.
Second processing plant at New Liberty constructed and commissioned.
Open pit mining completed at Kokoya.
Open pit mining ceased at New Liberty.
Access road and Weaju underground portal developed.
Kokoyah underground operations suspended due to economic conditions.
Further upgrade and expansion of New Liberty processing plant completed and commissioned
Ndablama open pit mining completed. Portal construction commenced.
Weaju underground production commenced.