Visit of Hüseyin Güngör, the Turkish Ambassador to Ghana

Mr. Hüseyin Güngör, the Ambassador of Turkey to Ghana, visited our New Liberty gold mine, which is the largest Turkish investment within the borders of Liberia, to closely observe Turkish investments in Liberia. During his visit, Ambassador Güngör personally inspected the ongoing activities and projects at our mine, and he was provided with detailed information about the infrastructure, school, clinic constructions, and educational initiatives we have undertaken for the local community during our mining operations. Since Turkey does not have an embassy in Liberia, Mr. Güngör, who is accredited to Ghana, made this special visit. He was accompanied by Avesoro's CEO, Serhan Umurhan, COO Özgür Gümüş, and CPO Selman Boyekin during this visit.

January 23, 2024